As the contenders in the Offsite Awards were revealed, the team at Frameclad punched the air with pride as no less than three of the light steel frame specialist's entries were shortlisted.
Joint Managing Director Nik Teagle said of the success: "We are beyond proud. Reaching the finals in the Product Innovation category is an incredible start to the launch of our LEAF system. We have put the weight of our full 12-strong design and engineering team behind its development and we have just received patent protection for this unique adjustable infill frame.
"I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our client Formation Group PLC and Delta Architects for appointing Frameclad to design, engineer, manufacture and install the steel framing systems for The Chocolate Factory. Reaching the finals of the Offsite Awards in two categories for this outstanding project is testament to our close collaboration – from concept to completion."
Frameclad has reached the finals of the following categories.
A revolutionary infill solution for primary concrete and steel mainframes, LEAF – a Lightweight Engineered Adjustable Frame has been developed by the highly skilled design and engineering team at Frameclad. In line with Frameclad's 'fit first time' approach – the genius of this invention is its simplicity. LEAF has been tested in real world applications and will transform the light steel frame infill market.
What sets LEAF infill panels apart is that the system can be adjusted on site in all directions with total ease. From 'top to bottom and side to side' without the use of any specialist tools, cutting or welding equipment. When the aperture is totally 'infilled' from ceiling to floor and wall to wall, the pioneering light steel mechanism is just fixed into place.
LEAF as an exterior high performance infill walling system is typically designed to resist wind loads and engineered to take a wide spectrum of external cladding systems. For interior infill walling applications LEAF can be engineered to meet design briefs and Building Regulations for fire resistance, thermal and acoustic insulation. In either application, the LEAF infill system can allow flexibility for the sill and head of the window or door to be adjusted as necessary to be level.
With the option of A1 non-combustible boards and glass mineral wool insulation, LEAF can be designed and tested to meet fire safety regulations so can be used in high-rise buildings over 18 metres.
The Chocolate Factory located in London's Wood Green takes its name from the old Barratt & Co confectionery plant that once stood on the site. Frameclad were responsible for delivering the secondary structural framework from design and engineering to fabrication and on site delivery. Block E2 has been transformed into 71 apartments and nine duplex houses.
The development combines a light steel infill solution to the concrete mainframe on the lower floors and panelised loadbearing frames to construct an additional sixth floor on top of the building, with only minimal requirement for structural reinforcement.
Frameclad's team worked in total synergy with main contractor and client Formation Group PLC and supported Delta Architects to ensure a cost effective, safe and sustainable solution – that is not only robust and non-combustible but also practical to install.
The unique and innovative light steel structure for The Chocolate Factory integrates an infill solution with a loadbearing system to form the upper floor to maximise the potential of the site. As a BOPAS Accredited light steel specialist, the accuracy achieved through Frameclad's precision manufacturing and assembly techniques delivered higher levels of airtightness. Sheathing materials created a continuous air barrier, further enhancing energy efficiency and building running costs.
Mick Gordon, Commercial Manager for Formation Design & Build said: "Having worked with Frameclad previously on various projects we were confident that they could deliver this challenging scheme. Consisting of infill SFS to the lower floors and a complex loadbearing top floor, the project ran as smoothly as we could have hoped for thanks to Frameclad's support. Even when some curve balls were thrown in during the project Frameclad adapted, overcame and delivered to keep the scheme on programme. We will continue to use Frameclad on forthcoming schemes, benefitting from their design and technical capabilities, together with their utmost professionalism and client support."
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